Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (FE8)

Division: Middle
Ranking: 3.26
Wins: 0
Losses: 2

Caellach is a cold, ruthless mercenary working for the Grado Empire, and he only has one ambition; to become king! While this ambition is rather hard to fulfill with the Demon King ruling Grado, he still works to obtain power. Although he doesn't respect his king much for being so indecisive, he continues to work for him for the sake of his goal of one day ruling the nation! He is merciless and cold, and had no qualms about slaying whoever is in his way! Accompanied by the madman Valter, he assaults the party, and if he can defeat the combined forces of the twins, he would be one step closer to his goal.

Season 24 Week 1 Middle Defeated by Alhazad, 36 to 16
Season 49 Week 2 Middle Defeated by Kornell, 28 to 9