Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (FE8)

Division: Heavy
Ranking: 4
Wins: 2
Losses: 2

Joshua has all kinds of various talents; he's a swordmaster, a stylish dresser, a gambler, and a charmer of the ladies. While at the beginning of the game he appears to be a wandering mercenary, he has secrets that shadow this man of mystery. He joins the group rather whimsically, by doing what he always does, which is using chance to lead his fate. And it's a good thing he does, because he's one of the best swordmasters there is, especially after being equipped with his family's prized Audhulma. His deadly technique is enough to get him into the Heavy division, and even there he should succeed brilliantly.

Season 23 Week 2 Heavy Defeated Ramza Beoulve, 36 to 33
Season 23 Week 3 Heavy Defeated by Fenril, 27 to 13
Season 55 Week 2 Heavy Defeated Princess Toadstool, 38 to 15
Season 55 Week 3 Heavy Defeated by Lyon, 34 to 10