Jill Fizzart
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (FE9)

Division: Middle
Ranking: 3.66
Wins: 3
Losses: 2

Jill Fizzart is the daughter of the famous Daein general Shiraham. And like her father, she's a proud soldier of Daein army - conquering lesser nations and slaughtering beastmen for fame and fortune. Those filthy Laguz cowered before the might of this wyvern rider!

But that changed when Jill was accepted into the Greil mercenaries. She was taken aback at how kindly the mercenaries treated their would-be prisoner. Even more shocking was seeing Laguz and Beorc fighting side-by-side. She questioned the old stories of terrifying half-breed Laguz who would indiscriminately attack humans. Joined in her new-found cause to stop her own country's conquest by her superior officer Haar, Jill would fight to see Tellius as a continent where Laguz and Beorc could treat eachother equally.

But the duelling league is another matter. Free from the concerns of right and wrong, Jill Fizzart can go all out! As long as she doesn't come up against any nasty archers, Jill should find quite a few foes ready to leap upon her lance.

Season 46 Week 2 Middle Defeated Feraligatr, 28 to 11
Season 46 Week 3 Middle Defeated by Zidane Tribal, 31 to 16
Season 60 Week 1 Middle Defeated Anise Tatlin, 17 to 6
Season 60 Week 3 Middle Defeated Vesper, 20 to 7
Season 60 Week 5 Middle Defeated by Venusaur, 22 to 12