Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (FE9)

Division: Godlike
Ranking: 4.67
Wins: 2
Losses: 2

The Hawk King of Phoenicis is a major player in the war that erupts over Tellius between Daein and the rest of the continent. Seeking revenge against the beorc for the slaughter of his brother kingdom of Herons, Tibarn tempers his anger by allowing his soldiers to merely keep humans out of their waters. When the few surviving Herons are again threatened by Daein's soldiers, Tibarn himself aids the Greil mercenaries who have been protecting the Herons.

A prideful kingdom, the Hawks well-known for their soldiers and their famous "eyes and ears". Even more famous are Tibarn's tremendous speed and ability to completely Cancel any damage from attacks. Tibarn is also one of the few laguz who is able to constantly maintain his beast form, meaning he'll never have to worry about being vulnerable. Except, of course, when it comes to archers and wind magic.

Season 46 Week 1 Godlike Defeated Rashidi, 21 to 8
Season 46 Week 3 Godlike Defeated by Empyrea, 26 to 13
Season 52 Week 2 Godlike Defeated Kratos Aurion, 27 to 16
Season 52 Week 3 Godlike Defeated by Yuri Volte Hyuga, 23 to 20