Amarant Coral
Final Fantasy IX (FF9)

Division: Middle
Ranking: 3.23
Wins: 1
Losses: 3

FF9’s versatile red-haired monk is not exactly the most characterized fellow. In fact, he’s kind of standoffish throughout the entire storyline, and unlike most characters of his type, he never actually opens up to the rest of the party. His battle technique is simple- smash the enemies with his fists, use Demi Shock on people, and heal himself with Chakra. Back in Season 12 he vanquished a dragon, but fell to the Persona-using Maya Amano. Still, with his damage and healing combo, he’s bound to do some damage in Middle every time he gets in.

Season 12 Week 2 Middle Defeated Bleu, 27 to 6
Season 12 Week 3 Middle Defeated by Maya Amano, 20 to 13
Season 25 Week 1 Middle Defeated by Midboss, 73 to 47
Season 54 Week 2 Middle Defeated by Mizuki, 28 to 9