Final Fantasy IX (FF9)

Division: Heavy
Ranking: 3.95
Wins: 2
Losses: 2

Old men in the house! Garland is here, to represent old men everywhere. While you might think Garland is the evil overlord of FF1 fame, this guy is a different creature altogether. While FF1 was the master of suck and lacked ability to design a complex dungeon, FF9’s was an end-game boss who boasts actual fighting prowess, and he designed an entire world by himself! He’s the controller of world of Terra, a successful ruler, a calculating designer of an entire race, and he’s not a bad fighter either. Sure, he meets doom at the hands of a cross-dressing monkey, but Kuja isn’t exactly a sissy himself. Regardless, Garland truly ups the value of his name, enough that his namesake would be proud.

Season 13 Week 2 Heavy Defeated Fuse, 38 to 5
Season 13 Week 3 Heavy Defeated Auron, 42 to 18
Season 13 Week 4 Heavy Defeated by Zalbag Beoulve, 24 to 20
Season 47 Week 2 Heavy Defeated by Grahf, 33 to 20