Garnet til Alexandros
Final Fantasy IX (FF9)

Division: Heavy
Ranking: 3.92
Wins: 5
Losses: 3

Garnet… the princess who wanted to be kidnapped. But with Brahne as her mother, can you really blame her? On her journey she goes through a few changes: from changing her name to Dagger, to giving herself a haircut, and even learning the secrets to her mysterious past. She even falls in love with a monkey-boy and helps save the world from eminent destruction… which is really a lot of fun and all, if a bit risky.

She’s a summoner, so there’s no surprises on what she does. Unlike her predecessors though, she also has an extensive collection of white magics that assisted her in her run in Middle back in Season 4. The only opponent who managed to beat her was the duck Sgt. Joe. But nevertheless, she went to Heavy and is more then ready to teach her new division a thing or two about being a tough princess.

Season 4 Week 1 Middle Defeated Kyle, 9 to 1
Season 4 Week 3 Middle Defeated Izlude Tingel, 12 to 10
Season 4 Week 4 Middle Defeated Rassius Luine, 7 to 3
Season 4 Week 5 Middle Defeated by Sgt. Joe, 10 to 4
Upgraded to Heavy
Season 26 Week 2 Heavy Defeated by Emily, 70 to 40
Season 45 Week 2 Heavy Defeated Knight, 48 to 24
Season 45 Week 3 Heavy Defeated Ike, 24 to 23
Season 45 Week 4 Heavy Defeated by Ayla, 37 to 28