Lufia Series (Lufias)

Division: Heavy
Ranking: 4.27
Wins: 3
Losses: 4

The mistress of death is without a doubt the most important figure in the Lufia continuum. She is the blue-haired goddess who brings both salvation and destruction to the mortals she secretly guides. She is central to the cycle of the sinistrals’ return, because as the mistress of death, she controls the reincarnation of her brothers: Gades, Amon, and Daos. Death is indeed a frightening thing to behold, but Erim brings beauty to it like no other could.

In the DL, Erim is as terrifying as she is in her own world. Possessing skills ranging from the damaging Dark Fry to the instant death of her Devastation Wave, she is not a goddess to be taken lightly.

Season 2 Week 1 Godlike Defeated Claude Kenni, 6 to 4
Season 2 Week 3 Godlike Defeated by Berle, 6 to 5
Season 6 Week 1 Godlike Defeated by Seymour, 12 to 4
Downgraded to Heavy
Season 16 Week 1 Heavy Defeated Articuno, 31 to 27
Season 16 Week 3 Heavy Defeated Limstella, 32 to 12
Season 16 Week 4 Heavy Defeated by Billy Lee Black, 28 to 24
Season 54 Week 1 Heavy Defeated by Renee Kearse, 17 to 14