Ramus Farmain
Lunar: Silver Star Story (Lunar1)

Division: Light
Ranking: 1.32
Wins: 0
Losses: 5

Few can measure up to the merchant from Burg. No, that's not a crack about his poor physique or some cleaver talk for his height or other features. It's just plain fact that few, if any, are as money savvy as Ramus. Amassing a fortune that would make his family prosperous and world-famous for generations to come starting with little more than a single Dragon's Diamond, Ramus' prowess on the field of haggle is staggering. Almost as impressive as he is inept on the field of battles. One wonders why Ramus bothers with the Duelling League at all, but you'd be surprised at the promotional value of risking life, limb, and dismemberment in armed combat. Not that Ramus is expected to actually win, ever, but you never know; for the right price, Ramus can get very motivated indeed...

Season 3 Week 2 Light Defeated by Palom, 16 to 2
Season 12 Week 2 Light Defeated by Ronfar, 36 to 1
Season 28 Week 1 Light Defeated by Lucied, 76 to 11
Season 45 Week 1 Light Defeated by Lucied, 53 to 8
Season 55 Week 1 Light Defeated by Opera Vectra, 42 to 1