Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen (OB)

Division: Heavy
Ranking: 3.98
Wins: 1
Losses: 2

One of Empress Endora's last honest generals, a man beyond reproach. Despite his concerns with his Lord's actions, Debonair is completely loyal to the highlands.. or the ideals of it.

Blessed with the fastest blade in Ogre Battle, Klaus Debonair's fights with a clean heart. His duty to Endora finished, he can brawl without worry, and show everyone the power of the Devas.

Season 18 Week 2 Heavy Defeated Velhart, 18 to 17
Season 18 Week 3 Heavy Defeated by Elc, 22 to 12
Season 55 Week 1 Heavy Defeated by Edge Eblan, 29 to 8