Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen (OB)

Division: Light
Ranking: 2.63
Wins: 1
Losses: 2

Representing the ancient and powerful tradition of Ogre Battle mages is the sorcerer Saradin Carm. It seems that after saving the country from the evil clutches of Endora and slaughtering countless hapless soliders along the way, this old man hasn't yet had his fill of carnage and decided to follow Destin to the Deulling League. Even old men need thier hobbies I suppose.

With his potent ability to attack any elemental weakness, Saradin fears little in the DL. Except petrification. He really, really doesn't like petrification.

Season 15 Week 2 Light Defeated Cid, 28 to 11
Season 15 Week 3 Light Defeated by Rebecca, 22 to 12
Season 47 Week 1 Light Defeated by Nana, 20 to 18