Rudolf Steiner.
Career fighting man.
When you've said that, you've largely summed up his personality, and largely summed up his job, that of a Hunter, a person that performs odd-jobs that require some extra firepower...for a fee, of course.
Rudolf himself is the only member of his team to not have any techniques, the near-magical force of his world, but he doesn't need any. His guns do his talking. Don't think that he uses them so he can stay away from his opponents, though, Rudo's very good at taking hits.
His Duelling League career has been somewhat depressing, though. Downgrading to Light after getting defeated by some young whippersnapper some 900 years younger than him must be depressing, and getting slapped unconcious by a man that looks strikingly like a woman couldn't help things. At least he managed to get some of his dignity back by climbing his way back to Middle.