Phantasy Star 3 (PS3)

Division: Unranked
Ranking: 3.68
Wins: 0
Losses: 2

Mieu's had some tough times in her life. She was left an ancient and lonely Cyborg for a thousand years, and was shunned by the Orakians she served, who believed she was a hated Layan. However, she has endless patience, and went on after this lonely period to aid Rhys in his search for the girl he loved, Maia. She's served 3 generations of heroes on the Alisa III, which is more than one could say for many other "heroes". All of these generations of heroes would have fallen without the intelligence and ingenuity of Mieu, so her importance in the victory over Dark Force cannot be underestimated.

As a fighter, Mieu can be called the precursor to Rika: reliable instant death from Forsa, and a mix of stat-boosters and healing, complements her generally average stats, making her a competent Heavy in all regards.

Season 22 Week 1 Heavy Defeated by Millenia, 26 to 16
Downgraded to Middle
Season 26 Week 1 Middle Defeated by Forde, 26 to 25
Fighter is currently not ranked