What do immortals do with their time? Well, if Sierra Mikain is any indication, it mostly involves sleeping a lot and ordering around anyone foolish enough to seek their guidance. Yes, the 800 year old Coven Mistress is an odd one, but underneath her drowsy exterior lies a shockingly compassionate heart, as well as a keen appreciation for chivalrous young men, as a certain Harmonian Spy might tell you. Sierra also keeps the Blue Moon Rune, the True Rune which gave her the dark gift of vampirism, but that's really quite secondary to everything else.
While Sierra chooses not to wield the unknown powers of the Blue Moon, or to indulge less becoming traits of a vampire, she is still possessed of the almost supernatural speed most associate with that race, in addition to being a very able Rune caster. Most skilled with the Darkness Runes she often carries, Sierra has a potent mix of damage, parasitic healing, and nigh-infallible instant death. With all this at her fingertips, Sierra is one of the most brutal and effective fighters in Heavy, and it's really quite astounding that she hasn't had more success. Perhaps she just oversleeps a little too often...