Suikoden III (S3)

Division: Middle
Ranking: 3.06
Wins: 1
Losses: 2

Sweet, bubbly, refreshing, cold... yes, Aila's drink of choice is indeed so much like her. Regardless, the budding Karayan warrior is an oddity, a fully trained warrior that manages to have no experience of the world. And thus the impressionable young lass fell in with the uncultured crew of Geddoe's 12th Unit. Of course, she really got little out of it but a near-addiction to soda, but it was still a very strange trip.
Naturally, though, she couldn't have live through such a trying journey without some merit in combat, and indeed Aila brings much to the table in battle, the Earth and Shield Runes she wields granting a wide range of defensive and support abilities in addition to her skilled archery. While this hasn't directly translated to Duelling League success, all the pieces are in place. And you know, there's nothing that makes a nice soda all the more refreshing than savoring it after a well-earned victory.

Season 20 Week 1 Middle Defeated by Ryudo, 43 to 20
Season 26 Week 2 Middle Defeated Pahn, 54 to 43
Season 26 Week 3 Middle Defeated by Marisa, 58 to 27