Suikoden III (S3)

Division: Light
Ranking: 2.09
Wins: 1
Losses: 2

Hohohohohohoho! The fortune teller of Budehuc Castle was perhaps one of the most worried about losing his home there, and thus threw his weight behind Thomas as it became clear he intended to do as much as he could for the people of the castle. With his capabilities, he continued to guide Thomas and the Flame Champion until the end of the war with Harmonia.

And none of that mentions Piccolo's skill with a Lightning Rune! Why, with that, he can fry legions to a nice tasty crisp before supper... if he can avoid their pointy weapons, that is. Piccolo's not fond of that whole 'pain' aspect of fighting, you see...

Season 17 Week 1 Light Defeated Edward Damcyan, 28 to 21
Season 17 Week 3 Light Defeated by Meredy, 36 to 12
Season 47 Week 2 Light Defeated by Miranda, 23 to 19