Suikoden 5 (S5)

Division: Middle
Ranking: 3.33
Wins: 3
Losses: 2

Although Miakis couldn’t be a Dragon Knight and ride the cute little Dwaggie Horsies, her status as a Queen’s Knight is nothing to scoff at. She is the adorable female guard of Queen Lymsleia, and although she is quite emotional, she can be tough too! With her twin daggers and her iron resolve, she attacked the Prince and fought him to the death, even with her tears falling down. Fortunately the Prince spared her life though, and she became a vital part of the fight against the tyrannical Godwins. She continued to fight for justice until the end alongside the rebel army, and she atoned for her sins.

Season 33 Week 1 Middle Defeated Eleni Dunbar, 31 to 21
Season 33 Week 3 Middle Defeated by Ziggy, 31 to 30
Season 55 Week 1 Middle Defeated Luna, 25 to 13
Season 55 Week 3 Middle Defeated Ryudo, 37 to 12
Season 55 Week 4 Middle Defeated by Elly van Houten, 30 to 15