Shining Force 2 (SF2)

Division: Unranked
Ranking: 4.02
Wins: 1
Losses: 2

Vampires are traditionally creepy undead creatures with long fangs and a lust for the blood of innocents. Lemon doesn’t really fit into this stereotype. He’s a servant of King Galam who just happened to fall into the world of darkness. After her regains his senses, he tries to kill himself, but finds that it is impossible. He then joins the Shining Force in the pursuit of Zeon. He’s an excellent fighter, and one that should be used if at all possible. He’s a great guy deep down, and his few scenes show this.

Season 5 Week 1 Heavy Defeated Purim, 15 to 3
Season 5 Week 3 Heavy Defeated by KOS-MOS, 10 to 4
Season 30 Week 2 Heavy Defeated by Zelos Wilder, 46 to 25
Fighter is currently not ranked