The arrival of Frank Goldfinger into the RPGDL is a...momentous...occasion. Unlike all other ninja, Frank is...weird. For instance, what ninja would dress up as a lawyer if it weren't part of an assassination attempt? What ninja would fight with a giant shishkebab? What ninja would scream in fear that the world is about to end?
Apparently, Brazilian ninjitsu is vastly different than good old American ninjitsu. Perhaps a little bit crazy, and more than a little bit gullible, the mighty ninja Frank Goldfinger is nonetheless a worthy companion in the Shadow Hearts Universe (which also includes gay vampires, little emo kids and Lassie - so Frank's actually fairly normal, all things considered). His ninja skillz and muscle provided an excellent source of back-up to Johnny Garland on his quest to stop Lady and prevent Malice from overwhelming the world, earning him a place of respect in both his homeland and throughout the world.
Plus, he's a badass bowler.
Despite the fact that Frank is not a normal ninja, he's got far more tricks up his sleeve than many would suspect. Unlike many ninja, Frank boasts a little thing called toughness, allowing him to take many, many more hits than his fellow counterparts. With his fantastic bowling skills and great strength, a few Fast Snowballs are more than enough to take down any foe, especially in Light. Though a bit less tricksy than most ninja, rest assured that like most ninja, Frank won't go down easily.