Shadow Hearts: From the New World (SH3)

Division: Godlike
Ranking: 4.54
Wins: 0
Losses: 4

Fanservice? Are you calling *THESE* fanservice? The Native American Harmonixer Shania hasn't recorded a hit single recently, but make no mistake, she's had her impact on the world. Way back in her day, demons roamed the earth! Particularly, one single Lady made it her mission to slaughter Shania's entire village, driving the girl towards vengeance. After meeting up with Johnny Garland, himself chasing after the vile Lady, and an assortment of other...amusing...characters, Shania suffered a horrible setback: Lady kissed her.


The kiss of malice doomed her to die and cursed her to destruction. Though she defeated Lady in the end and avenged her village, what happened after that remains shrouded in mystery...

Like most Harmonixers, Shania has the power to transform into deadly beasts that greatly amplify her own power. The mighty Sun God, Tirawa, tops the list of power, and allows her to go toe-to-toe with all comers, even in Godlike. Her Sanlitto Bell provides an excellent augmentation to her already curvaceous vitals, while Shining Zephyr allows her to stay alive amidst the hardest of battles. Brandishing the almighty Sun Flare should the need arise, this girl's about to get some action in the RPGDL!


Season 36 Week 2 Godlike Defeated by Tir McDohl, 35 to 34
Season 43 Week 2 Godlike Defeated by Luis Virgil, 25 to 20
Season 53 Week 1 Godlike Defeated by Zophar, 32 to 11
Season 58 Week 2 Godlike Defeated by Jessica Albert, 26 to 8