Sophia Esteed lived a perfectly normal life, attending classes on Earth and taking the occasional vacation or two... until one said vacation drew her into the middle of a vast conflict that she could barely dream of, and in which she was to play an enormous role - and, at the same time, learn how to fight alongside some of the galaxy's finest.
Sophia is your typical mage - low defense, can't do any physical damage, and so on and so forth. She is also like the typical mage in that she has various sets of elements to use in battle - however, some of her spells have additional effects along with the damage, such as MP damage, chance of freezing or draining, making her much better than your average mage. She can even improve all her stats by 20% and then boost her defense, giving her solid defense when she needs it and making her a truly scary foe. Besides, she has the unzipped pants of doom, which destroy anyone who looks at them! What force in the DL can beat that? Nothing. Truly, she is a powerhouse, ready to take on anything!