Skies of Arcadia (SoA)

Division: Heavy
Ranking: 4.29
Wins: 2
Losses: 4

A dashing admiral of Valua, and an even more dashing Air Pirate, the legendary Arcadian Don Juan of the skies strikes a chord with all those he meets. Now, whether this chord is a pleasant major chord or a distressing minor chord is the question to be answered. Admiral Vigoro is a very straightforward man - indeed, his cerebral cortex never fully developed as a child, leaving his amygdala to run wild. This explains a lot of things: both his slug-festing combat style, and his...let's call it a significant attraction to the opposite sex. Vigoro spares no one when it comes to getting what he wants. Constantly after the affections of Vyse's lovely yound friend Aika, Vigoro pursues Vyse's crew relentlessly, hoping to win the affections of the red-head all for himself. Sadly, this doesn't go well for him, and after a final beating on Dangral Island, Vigoro the admiral of Valua dies, and Vigoro the Air Pirate is reborn. In a final confrontation at Vyse's secret base, Vigoro is once again beaten, but like a true warrior, never gives up, and to this day, still continues to train and prepare for the inevitable day when he sweeps Aika off her feet (and possibly gags and ties her down...she's a fidgety girl after all).

A straightforwad lover, Vigoro is also a very straightforward fighter in the DL. As a sexy and competent Air Pirate wielding a giant battleship's cannon, Vigoro can put the hurting on anyone, hero of villain alike. While that's about all he does, being hit with a 16" shell isn't exactly the prettiest thing in the world, which is why this Don Juan made Godlike to begin with. Though his record may be a little shaky, and tainted by a downgrade, make no mistake: Vigoro's charm is not something to be underestimated.

Season 8 Week 1 Godlike Defeated by Ash Lambert, 12 to 4
Season 17 Week 1 Godlike Defeated Saturos, 17 to 15
Season 17 Week 3 Godlike Defeated by Jade, 37 to 13
Season 25 Week 2 Godlike Defeated by Choko, 30 to 24
Downgraded to Heavy
Season 30 Week 2 Heavy Defeated Emelia, 41 to 27
Season 30 Week 3 Heavy Defeated by Zelos Wilder, 45 to 27