Bruiser Khang
Tales of Destiny (ToD)

Division: Middle
Ranking: 3.8
Wins: 3
Losses: 3

A man who lives and breath the arena life even in his home world, Bruiser Khang is no stranger to the ways of the DL. With the Ballistic technique that very easily puts every other fighter from his cast to shame, Bruiser is as powerful as he looks. Alas, he also seems to have problems winning against blonde, spiky-haired, sword-wielding heroes, but that doesn't really bring him down. After all, for a long-time dueller like he, losing is just a sign that the competition isn't completely washed-up.

Season 14 Week 1 Heavy Defeated by Cloud Strife, 23 to 22
Season 45 Week 2 Heavy Defeated by Ike, 34 to 8
Downgraded to Middle
Season 60 Week 2 Middle Defeated Aelia, 22 to 8
Season 60 Week 4 Middle Defeated Kyle, 14 to 5
Season 60 Week 5 Middle Defeated Leehalt Alceste, 12 to 8
Season 60 Week 6 Middle Defeated by Venusaur, 23 to 2
Upgraded to Heavy
Season 60 Week 7 Heavy Defeated Takaya Sakaki, 11 to 5
Downgraded to Middle