Farah Oersted
Tales of Eternia (ToE)

Division: Heavy
Ranking: 4.17
Wins: 1
Losses: 2

Headstrong, reckless, and hot-tempered to a fault, all this describes Farah, part-time budding Iron Chef of Inferia and all-time idealistic do-gooder of Eternia. Of course, all the above usually spells trouble as she rushes head long into danger to help someone regardless of life, limb, or common sense, so it's a good thing she's also a master martial artist of the Regulus dojo and could handle herself in a pinch.

Well versed in the different flashy ways to kick her opponents butt and punch their faces in, Farah's matches are always a delight to see in the DL. Throw in the ways she can heal her wounds or dodge like the wind, and you have one ordinary village girl that's harder to put down than a tank.

Season 18 Week 1 Heavy Defeated by Maya Schroedinger, 22 to 21
Season 42 Week 1 Heavy Defeated Drachma, 22 to 18
Season 42 Week 3 Heavy Defeated by Sir Leopold, 27 to 16