Tales of Eternia (ToE)

Division: Unranked
Ranking: 4.4
Wins: 1
Losses: 4

Once a kind and caring mother, seeing her family betrayed due to a political struggle and her husband killed before her eyes, Shizel unleashed the frightening powers of the Dark Aurora Arts to wreak havoc upon those who had threatened her family. While she was able to save her child by doing so, she had allowed her hatred for the material world corrupt her soul, letting her powers to drive her mad. This made her twist the original dream she shared with her husband, pushing her to start the machinations that would lead to an Eternia restored to its original form as a Spirit World.

But since Reid and crew were able to bring her back to sanity, all of that is in the past. Now she spends her time making up for lost time with her daughter, and occassionally drowning her sorrows in the Heavy bar. Oh sure, pompous royalty and idiotic clowns stay in Godlike, while she, one of the greatest Craymel artist there is and the Mistress of the Dark Aurora Arts is dropped down to Heavy. Where's the justice in that?

Season 4 Week 2 Godlike Defeated Tir McDohl, 7 to 1
Season 4 Week 3 Godlike Defeated by Terra Branford, 8 to 6
Season 10 Week 1 Godlike Defeated by Necrosaro, 18 to 6
Season 16 Week 1 Godlike Defeated by Rolf Landale, 18 to 14
Downgraded to Heavy
Season 39 Week 1 Heavy Defeated by Maxim, 26 to 19
Fighter is currently not ranked