Tremble, heathens, for the Great Arche Klein has arrived in the Dueling League Proper!
And she'll conquer the hearts of all with her innocent charms and beguiling good looks! That's right, Arche's out to make a name for herself as more than just the gorgeous idol with a million-strong fanclub! While she may have started as just a small-town half-elf girl living on Sylph mountain, Arche joined the ranks of time-travelers and overthrew the all-powerful demon-lord Dhaos with the legendary power of the Indignation thunder spell. If that's not enough, she's got the godly damage of Meteor Storm or her highly accurate Instant Death spell for a quick and easy win.
And don't think she's bait for the melee fighters either, Arche's broom-riding ability can keep her out of harm's way if the fighter's too short to jump. And all those long, hard hours of broom-riding have let her build up the toughness to take a few hits should they be the nimble type. That's right, Arche approaches everything she tries with the ferocity of a tiger!