Mint Adenade
Tales of Phantasia (ToP)

Division: Light
Ranking: 2.52
Wins: 2
Losses: 2

Mint is a demure, sweet cleric who was saved by the brave Cress Albane back in a damp prison in Euclid. And, while she accompanies and eventually falls in love with the time-travelling swordsman, she still retains her duty as a party healer and generally sweet person. However, she's such a sweet girl-next-door type that... well.

She's horribly inept at hurting things. Both in real life and in the DL arena. Her damage is epically sad. However! To make up for such a tragic downside of her battle worth, Mint has such a plentiful bevy of restorative spells and defensive buffs that it almost makes up for such a horrible offense! Proving that damage isn't all in life, Mint brought home a Not Ranked Light championship seasons back. And she hopes to repeat such a brilliant career in the Duelling League proper!

Season 34 Week 1 Light Defeated Irenes, 46 to 25
Season 34 Week 3 Light Defeated Chaz, 48 to 6
Season 34 Week 4 Light Defeated by White Wizard, 40 to 25
Season 52 Week 1 Light Defeated by Duessel, 22 to 16