Colette Brunel
Tales of Symphonia (ToS)

Division: Light
Ranking: 2.7
Wins: 4
Losses: 5

Chosen. One who is destined to accomplish a great task. One of dignity, honour and fate. Usually, at least. For you see, Colette is a little bit abnormal. While she is the Chosen of Mana, Colette's far from the stereotypical, petit little princess of a Chosen most would think she is. Clumsy, bumbling and quite possibly the most accident-prone person in the history of RPGs, Colette is nonetheless a sacred feminine heroine entrusted with saving the world. Despite being captured multiple times throughout the game, not to mentioned possessed, Colette nonetheless persevered to the end. She's fought by the side of her dearest friend Lloyd, her teacher Raine, and the other friends she made on her adventure. What was once a mission of sacrifice turned to a mission of justice, as the Chosen of Mana was now the one Chosen to save the world. Due to her neverending faith and strength of will, Colette finally won the day.

While a bit accident prone, Colette is nonetheless a very skilled fighter. In addition to commanding powerful, long-ranged chakram techs, Colette also wields fearsome Angelic magicks, including the devastating Judgment and Holy Judgment spells, which are more than enough to defeat any foe she faces in Light.

Season 26 Week 2 Light Defeated by Melville, 43 to 39
Season 30 Week 2 Light Defeated Eilie, 50 to 35
Season 30 Week 3 Light Defeated by Wakaba, 41 to 39
Season 37 Week 2 Light Defeated Mallow, 30 to 29
Season 37 Week 3 Light Defeated by Vinsfeld Rhadamanthus, 32 to 28
Season 46 Week 1 Light Defeated by Tellah, 35 to 24
Season 55 Week 2 Light Defeated Dominia, 26 to 10
Season 55 Week 3 Light Defeated Relm Arrowny, 26 to 19
Season 55 Week 4 Light Defeated by Cinnamon, 18 to 12