Natalia Luzu Kimlasca-Lanvaldear
Tales of the Abyss (TotA)

Division: Middle
Ranking: 3.4
Wins: 0
Losses: 2

Princess Natalia was born and raised in Akzeriuth, the capital of her country Kimlasca-Lanvaldear. From a young age, she was arranged to be betrothed to the unruly standoffish son of the noble fon Fabre family, Luke. While not particularly thrilled with the idea at first, Luke proved himself to be a caring young man and Natalia began to cherish their promise together. At least, until the day Luke was kidnapped and the resulting trauma caused him to forget everything about her.

Saddened, she continued to care for him and help him adjust to his new secluded life when she wasn't busy being a responsible, caring princess... and studying to master her skills in Lanvaldear archery.

But when trouble starts brewing in Auldrant between the two major super-powers, Natalia's role as princess compels her to get involved to stop the conflict. Even in the face of discovering her betrothed has been cloned... and in the face of accusations concerning her own true parentage!

But, of royal blood or not, Natalia fills the role of Princess and Master Archer flawlessly. Her speedy arrow attacks build up damage quickly, and she has a deadly stalling game where she can accumulate energy to release her powerful Mystic Arte, Astral Rain.
As a Seventh Fonist, Natalia can manipulate the magical energies of sound to heal wounds and strengthen her abilities. She even has the ability Revive, which can automatically ressurrect a character when they die. With all of these tools at her disposal, Natalia simply needs a clean shot to win a championship.

Season 39 Week 1 Middle Defeated by Zidane Tribal, 45 to 20
Season 56 Week 2 Middle Defeated by Lyon, 23 to 17