Ashley Winchester
Wild Arms 2 (WA2)

Division: Heavy
Ranking: 3.71
Wins: 0
Losses: 4

Many people angst and wax much poetry about their inner demons, but how many people can claim to have an actual demon inside them? Such is the fate of valiant ARMs leader and part-time Anastasia cosplayer, Ashley Winchester. Formerly just a simple soldier with hopes of one day marrying his childhood sweetheart, an unexpected event caused the Lord Blazer to inhabit him. Now, he constantly wakes each day with the knowledge that the Dark God could take over his body at any time, causing him to kill his friends in a blaze of disaster.

Not that it's all that bad a deal, since he did get a little something from his accidental pact with the devil. While he prefers using his trusty bayonet in duels, it's always nice to have the destructive Knight Blazer form as insurance for those people foolish enough to drag the battle out too long. In fact, it's so nice that Ashley can proudly call himself a former Godlike to his peers, even if his time in the much heralded division lasted only a few seasons.

Season 1 Week 2 Godlike Defeated by Decus, 4 to 1
Downgraded to Heavy
Season 9 Week 2 Heavy Defeated by Dias Flac, 28 to 12
Season 30 Week 1 Heavy Defeated by Ted, 54 to 24
Season 48 Week 2 Heavy Defeated by Hallec, 22 to 15