Augst Henriksen
Wild ARMs 4 (WA4)

Division: Light
Ranking: 1.56
Wins: 0
Losses: 5

Augst "Trifler" Henricksen is one of the most important members of Lambda's Elite. A man possessing vast knowledge in ARMs technology as well as good tactical advice, he is the brains behind Brionac and Lambda is very rarely seen without him. More important than this however, is that fact that he is a normal man amongst a group of supernatural beings. As a model of normalcy, he reminds Brionac that they are not above the average human, helping them keep their pride in check.

Note that all those words up there make absolutely no mention of Augst' fighting prowess. There is a very good reason for this.

Augst has none.


His tactics primarily revolve around him sitting there and you hitting him.

However, one must not condemn Augst for his strategy of non-violence! Has history not taught us through Jesus Christ and Mahatma Gandhi that this strategy is effective for complete victory? And clearly, Augst's knows what he is doing with his superior military mind! By simply staying there and letting his opponent wail on his fire-exuding, elementally-immune, physically-resistant body, he is making them waste all their energy while conserving his own! Clearly this unorthodox tactics is within a realm of geniusity that is far beyond those that normal humans are capable of! And if all else fails, he could utter his bad jokes to leave his opponents stunned for 2d6 turns, leaving them even wider open for his firey counters.

Tread lightly when facing this deity of patience, my friends. For his unassuming form belies the soul of a future champion.

Season 29 Week 2 Light Defeated by Cray, 58 to 18
Season 34 Week 2 Light Defeated by Cai, 31 to 22
Season 44 Week 1 Light Defeated by Kent, 43 to 12
Season 48 Week 2 Light Defeated by Titania, 31 to 5
Season 55 Week 1 Light Defeated by Zhuzhen Liu, 25 to 8