Xenogears (XG)

Division: Middle
Ranking: 3.3
Wins: 0
Losses: 2

Never the brightest bulb in the lamp, this lagomorphic demi-human is best remembered as the cheerfully clueless and carefree Element of Fire. While the ability to absentmindedly say something horribly frustrating to your opponent, or ally for that matter, has uses, it rarely wins matches in the Duelling League. Of course, a little fire magic, nullifying multiple elements, and stealing away all your opponent’s magical resources often do, and Seraphita is fully capable of doing just that. While she’s had some bad luck on the draw, Seraphita looks to have a bright and victory-filled time here at the Duelling League, though whether she’ll notice or not is hard to say.

Season 13 Week 2 Middle Defeated by Karsh, 41 to 12
Season 34 Week 1 Middle Defeated by Gau, 42 to 34