Xenogears (XG)

Division: Light
Ranking: 3
Wins: 1
Losses: 2

The Element of Wind is arguably the most famous of them all, but not for her own achievements. Instead she owes much to her Gin ‘n Tonic Futon Brain, something straight out of Star Trech; or so Seraphita will tell anyone in earshot. The enhanced cyborg is indeed a foe to be reckoned with, absorbing an array of the most common elements and packing impressive wind damage in her mechanical frame. Thus far she’s been largely unknown in the Duelling League, but that’s certain to be a temporary thing.

Season 21 Week 1 Middle Defeated Anri, 37 to 15
Season 21 Week 3 Middle Defeated by Dekar, 54 to 16
Season 58 Week 1 Middle Defeated by Rebecca, 26 to 17
Season 58 Week 7 Middle Defeated by Shabon, 19 to 13
Downgraded to Light