Hey everyone! This is Rise! I’m super psyched to be here as the new postergirl for the RPG Dueling League! But don’t worry, we would never let down our loyal fans! We’re still totally bringing you the best in RPG combat! *Squeal*

Every week, we bring together some of the best warriors from all around the world to fight just for your entertainment! It’s absolutely amazing! Everyone is split into divisions based on how strong they are, and like any good tournament, the winners move on until there is only ONE champion! We also bring you some of the coolest bonus matches to double your fun! Anyone with questions should contact customer service!

The DL Wiki is a super cool place to find information about various games, including the DL's own super cool IAQ project!

But wait! There’s more! The DL also offers a ton of info on RPGs, whether they’re represented in the league or not! Teams of people working around the clock bring you as much on your favorite games as possible! So if any of you adoring fans want to stay and chat a bit, come right in! Now to go see how Senpai is doing...
Aah, it's good to be back.
For you, maybe.
Eh, it's fun enough in it's own strange way.
That's the spirit! So that's ever...uh, where's Cirno? Did she sleep in again?
Actually she got her own game over the break, so she's off practicing for it. She said she lined up a replacement, but I guess she flaked or something.
Huh. Well, no big deal. Guess I won't be the only main character on the cast anymore, now.
Well, Cirno got her own game. Not just a side story on a rerelease of someone else's game. So I'd say that makes her the only main character on the cast.
I hear her game is legitimately challenging, too. Unlike anything a certain other company I could name has put out.
Come on man, the Suikoden games aren't THAT easy. Aside from five. And one. And...okay, maybe you have a point.
You set yourself up for that one.
I just got outwitted by Axel. Excuse me, I need to go find a drink. Or a razor. Whichever is closer.
I think Nate keeps some of the good stuff in his desk drawer.
So are we getting on with this show or not?
Yeah, we probably should. Especially since...
Hmph, I'm starting to get bored back here.
Yeah, that. Luca, thanks for not murdering anyone in the waiting room.
Yet. There's always the walk back out.
Of course. Just try not to kill anyone we haven't interviewed yet if you could.
Suddenly I have a this strong desire to run away right now.
Hah. You I don't need to chase. I'll be seeing you in the arena, after all.
Uh, Luca? You're fighting Myria this week, not him.
I am?
Uh oh. So about that running thing, I'm gonna get started on that. Ciao!
The little piggy thinks he can escape, does he? Hah! We'll see about that.
...that was quick. Soooo, does that count as interviewing Godlike?
Yes. Yes it does.
Alright, out you.
Yeesh, I'm goin', I'm goin'.
Hey, Luc, you missed Godlike. And what's he doing here?
He's Cirno's replacement, apparently. Found him 'cleaning' Nate's office. Particularly his snack drawer.
I like his style already.
Heh, thanks toots.
...well, that didn't last long. Cirno's replacement, right? Get to the bathroom and start cleaning, janitor.
I'll get around to it eventually, alright?
It's not like we actually care. So we're at Heavy already?
Yeah, I'll bring 'em in. Hrist and Momo, you're up!
Greetings, mortals.
I still don't see how you can stand to work for her.
I already told you, the desires of mortals mean nothing against the will of the divine. And it's nice to serve a competent overdiety for once.
Huh? Did I miss something here?
Sorry, just continuing a conversation from the waiting room.
You sound like you're still enjoying that gig as Myria's valkyrie, Hrist.
Very much so. No bleeding heart younger sisters to keep in line, no more reporting to that braindead fertility goddess, and the most inane thing that lady Myria has asked of me was to spend an afternoon playing dolls with her.
And what about Jade and Teepo?
Those buffoons are largely the reason lady Myria is so appreciative of competent help.
And best of all, Myria's not an ounce more benevolent then her old boss, so she doesn't have to worry about developing any kind of pesky conscience.
Sounds like it's going to get a bit personal in the arena this week.
Perhaps for her. I do not lower myself to engaging in personal feuds with mortals.
You're pretty fond of that word.
Gotta give her an A for confidence at least.
Of course. My lady wishes me to join her in Godlike, so I cannot lose. A mere rabbit, no matter how angry, will be no more then a speedbump for a valkyrie.
So when's the last time you tried going over a speedbump with a bazooka, sister?
Save it for the arena, ladies.
What? Man, it was just about to get good, too. Hey, ignore the wimp here, give us a little preview, huh?
You realize you're asking them to throw around divine powers and high explosives while you're still in the same room, right?
Eh, doesn't sound any different from a normal day at Al Revis.
Yeah, I keep meaning to take some courses there. Though I hear the new alchemy teacher's about as incompetent as they come, so I don't know if that's such a good idea.
Hmph, this topic of conversation holds no interest for me. Are we done with the interview?
Yeah, go ahead and take off. Thanks for coming.
I should probably head out too. Rei was talking about helping me cheat and I need to go make sure he doesn't get me disqualified.
Good riddance. I hope you get shish-kebabed.
Hey, it's not her fault. She was just repeating what the rumors say.
Well the rumors can stuff it. I'm the best alchemy teacher that school's ever had!
Which naturally explains why you're here pulling a shift as a substitute janitor.
It's...it's not like that, okay!? It's Flay's fault I'm here!
Somehow, no one is surprised.
Look, see I had this bet with Flay about-
That's all we really need to hear, I think.
Besides we're keeping middle waiting. Luc, handle the introductions.
If I must. From middle this week we are joined by a hideous green monster, as well as a pokemon.
How rude!
You really should be more polite to a lady of my station, you know.
Heh, that'll be the day.
And while we're on the subject, a noble defender of justice like sir Venusaur deserves a bit more eloquent of a welcome then 'and a pokemon'.
Since when was that thing a defender of justice?
Well, you know how it is. Just get back from vacation, kinda phoning things in a bit.
Hmph. If you aren't willing to put in the effort to do things properly, you should invite less distinguished guests.
I can understand you making a fuss about yourself, but I have to ask, why stick up for the pokemon as well?
Are you deaf? I just explained that, he is a great hero and paragon of justice and deserves your respect.
Yeah, I'm still having trouble with that one. It's a generic grass starter. What's so heroic about that?
Nonsense, he's no mere generic. He spent the morning regaling me with tales of his adventures and daring, quite the speaker as well I might add.
Saur, venusaur saur!
Succinctly put.
You guys put up with lunatics like this every show?
Of course! Don't you watch it?
Hell no.
Probably a good call there.
I suppose that is one thing I can agree with you on. You should watch Super Equity Friends reruns instead.
Hah! Nothing those losers are in could possibly be as good as anything featuring the Dark Hero.
Surely you jest. The Super Equity Friends Super Show was the finest work on television. Far superior to your churlish antics on a mere talk show.
Someone change the subject, quickly.
Oh yeah? The facts say otherwise. The SEF show was cancelled after one season, but here I am, still on the air baby!
I think it's too late for that. Sadly.
That one season was a wild success! It had more viewers then any of your shows could ever hope to.
Then why isn't it still on?
Definitely too late.
Oi. Alright, I got an idea, grab that camera and come with me.
On it.
It stopped because they were too busy being real heroes to film a tv show!
Like that's a reason! Who'd give up show business for THAT?
Somebody shut the door, quietly.
It's exactly that kind of attitude that betrays you for the-
Done. And I got the camera. So what's the idea?
Just do the rest of the show out here of course. Let those two losers argue until one of 'em runs out of breath.
A surprisingly sound plan. I guess I'll go get the Lights.
No need, we heard the commotion and wandered over.
So here's the deal. I can't be bothered to keep track of Lights, so just introduce yourselves, say something interesting, and we can be on our way, eh?
I suppose that's fair. I'm Nara, though some might know me better as Meena, and I'm a fortune teller. And I get to try and beat up a goddess this week.
So can you-
-really see the future? Yes, though it's not a hundred percent accurate. And not useful in all situations. Still it's enough to make a living, so I'm not complaining.
Huh. Does it do you any good-
-in a fight? Not really. Not reliable enough to go with over my more conventional magic in any fight I could think of.
Do you make-
-a habit of finishing people's sentences for them? No, I just do it to people I don't like. And my sister.
Yeah, that's enough-
-outta me? Wonderful, I'll be taking my leave then.
I saw that one coming.
What, are you a fortune teller too now? Anyway, uh...who's this guy again?
Roy, I think.
You've been awful quiet over there. Got anything to say about yourself?
*shrug, headshake*
Nothing? Well, whatever. Makes things easier for me. So let's wrap this up and blow this popsicle stand, eh?
Hold on a second, something's bugging me here.
Perhaps things just seem off without Axel's incessant babble?
No, that's not it. Ah, there's what I'm looking for. Alright Prince, off with the wig.
Or you could play dumb and I can snatch it off your head for you.
Now you I recognize. What's a Heavy like you doing pretending to be a Light, man?
We've all got our weird hobbies, I suppose. How'd you figure it out anyway, Paine? The disguise was perfect.
One, the not talking was a bit of a tip. Two, you're asking ME how I know how to see through costumes?
If you two are done yakkin, I'm gettin' outta here. You coming or not?
Hold on, let me just put the camera back first...
And ANOTHER thing!!!!
On second though, no. Let's just go.