Yo Yo Yizzle "This trash sucks. I want to set him on fire, every copy of this junk on fire and everyone that buys it on fire. Burn and see you all in hell. It is certainly where I am heading after this got made." So without further ado, here is the track list and the artist's notes on the track. 1. Yo Yo Yizzle, Shiz Fo My Nizzle, In My Little Dizzle Wizlle Wuzzle Woo, Chips and Bizzle For Tha Peepizzles (*&$ Tha Police(Izzle) Yoyoyo check it out my homeboys, I was like, tryin' to put out something o-rig-in-aaaal an' stuff. So I was like, Peanut Butter Jelly Time and them some foo capped me 9 times and I spat out the bullets so I made this song in tribute to cylindrical cardboard. 2. Kickin' Da Drums and Bass Y'all! I was likes puttin' together some overweight beats, supersized them and whatever and was like YO, THIS IS SOME CHUNKY BEATS YO. And soes I figures to myselfs, "Why should it needs to have some rhymes over the top? This beat has some lard in it y'all" so I went and did it. Kickin' da drum! And da bass! [His manager would like it noted that this was actually a recording of Seifer being thrown down a set of stairs by some thugs. They recorded it and looped it as a joke and put it on the album. It goes for thirty minutes. Seifer did not notice until it shipped and figured he had made it anyway. Such a tard.] 3. Bang Bang Bang Bang I Is Like Akimbo M60's With Swords On The Ends Oh yeah I got my GAT ON now. You's all scared of my piece now. 4. Hardcore With My Homies Chillin' With The Ladies Listenin' To Some Pow Pow Pow As We Drive By The Drive Throughizzle. It was likes this. Blam blam blam in the window and totally off this couch man. I can't believe myself sometimesizzle. I is so fresh! Yeah that is enough of that, so viewers, how does it do? |
Draco Ignifer Lesbian orgies? Seifer being fed to sharks? I believe the appropriate phrase is "An embarrasment of riches." Bootlegged: 13 Acidtoface: 13 Lesbians: 23 Seiferwins: 14 Shoenin@gmail.com
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