Jealousy and Ego
Justin vs Rune Walsh

\"Honey, I'm home!\" Justin sounded as cheerful as ever. \"Good news! It looks like I might get another shot in the RPGDL next season. This time, I'm sure to win!\" Much to Justin's disapointment, Feena didn't rush into his arms like normal, but sat on the floor, eyes glued to the TV.

Feena nodded slightly, and waved Justin away. \"That's nice, dear. Now be quiet. Rune's about to give another interview with Chisato. Ooooh, I hope that studmuffin talks forever..\" Feena turned to the TV, ignoring the stab of hurt that flashed across Justin's face.

Justin looked over to the screen, to see an imposing blue haired man standing by Chisato Madison. His very aura radiated power, slightly arrogant confidence, and a animal magnetism.... all things that Justin lacked.

\"...And this travesty will not stand another season. I, Rune Walsh, will not rot in middle with the rest of the losers and rejects that fill this trash heap of a divison. As proven by my being a master mage, a general genius, and all around sex god, it's obvious that I excel at anything. I obviously deserve the glory and praise as a truly powerful warrior, and as a god among men. Pity the fools and weakings who dare stand in my almighty way, for they truly risk the divine wrath of a great one when facing me. I challenge any middle who thinks otherwise. They can try to prove me wrong.. and in doing so, seek their own doom.\"

\"Justin, why can't you be more like Rune? He has legions of fans, style, and is so much cooler than you. Why, I'll bet he'll be out of middle before you ever get another match. Sigh...\"

\"I'll prove that I can do anything Rune can, Feena!\" Grabbing his equipment, Justin stormed out of the room, ignoring Feena's pleas to stop. Justin charged towards the interview room, where he knew the fight was being held. As he got near the interview room, he heard the hated voice of Rune. \"I'll prove that I'm just as much of a man as Rune! Just you wait, Feena!\"

\"..Yes, Chisato. I am that damn good. The only thing that stands between me and my overdue glory is..\" To Justin's ears, Rune's words grated, reminding of the look Feena had shot him.

\"Me, you jerk! How dare you try and steal my girlfriend! I'm Justin, and I accept your challenge!\" Justin raised his weapon, and pointed it at Rune. \"Prepare to die!\"

Rune looked at the young man, and snorted in contempt. Ignoring the threat of Justin, Rune gently grabbed Chisato's hand, and kissed it. \"Miss Madison, please excuse me. This wretched excuse of a pool boy has some minor quibble with me. I'll easily handle this useless piece of trash, and return to our interview.\" The sight of a giggling Chisato and a contempt filled Rune did nothing to ease Justin's burning rage.

\"P-ool boy?! TRASH?! HOW DARE YOU! Die, you monster!\" Justin raised his sword high, and charged Rune.

\"Hmph. Even a mage of my immense talent and powers can use a warmup, no matter how minor. En Guarde!\"

  • Justin cuts down Rune for the win
  • Legion spells doom for Justin

Hmmm, this doesn't so much seem to be a match of can Heaven and Earth cut beat out Legeon. No, its more of can Rune's sarcastic wit and more develloped intellect overwhelm Justin's stupidity.

Now one would think that absolutely NOTHING can penetrate the lump of solid bone that passes for Justin's head, but Rune can prove otherwise. It is not by attacking Justin's own idiocy that Rune will win this battle, it is by mocking Justin's choice of wife and children which will grant him the victory. No father would be able to stand the shame of the show Rune will put up for the audience centred around Justin's familly.

And then of course comes the complimentary Legeon in the face while Justin slowly cries himself into unconcsiousness.

Safely to say, it will be fun for the whole familly, bring your parents!

Justin: 14
Rune: 15

Hunter Sopko
As much as we all hate Justin... even with two shields, do you really think Rune could take any hits whatsoever? Methinks Feena will find her passion in her boyfriend rekindled.