Season 24, Week 4
(Breath of Fire III)
With his victory over drag(o)onslayer Lloyd, Ryu is on the downhill slope to claim another Godlike title. His next opponent, Terra, has little in the ways of stopping this draconic juggernaut. With the speed advantage, Ryu will access a dragon form before Terra can even move, and Terra's esper form pales in comparison to the power of the Golden Kaiser. Immune to her piddly status and with the vitality to survive more than a handful of Ultima spells, Ryu can easily withstand any assault Terra tries while he shatters her body with his devastating Bonebreak and Kaiserbreath attacks. An easy match for this hailed dragon prince.



Terra has had a wonderful season so far, and a championship is within grasp. And now, it's time to take on her greatest challenge yet. Ryu is ready to conquer yet another season, and Terra is the only remaining hope against the dragon! Thankfully, this victory is quite possible. Once morphed, Terra can stand toe-to-toe with all of Ryu's dragons, Ultima tearing them apart in a matter of moments. Her Drain spell will keep her alive in the face of fire, and a well-placed Break can even end the battle before the dragon-boy breathes. With her great will leading the way, nothing can stop Terra. Not even the defending champion.

Draco Ignifer
The duel between Ryu and Terra began predictably. Ryu transformed into his Golden Kaiser state, and Terra entered her Esper form. Magic flared around her body, as a blast of azure light detonated around the dragon lord, blasting the golden hue from his body, rendering him human once more. A smirk crossed the glowing face of Terra... she was strong enough. And now, the two of them would enter a lock... Ryu transforming to strike, her blasting away his forms as they appeared, both waiting for the other's power to run out. But she had the advantage... the power of the Kaiser dragon was too great a strain for Ryu to maintain, especially manifested fresh. Her Esper form would depart long after Ryu's last Kaiser fell... and even if they ended up reverting at the same time, with his main source of attack power tied up in his transformations, she would have enough power to crush him. No matter what option he picked, she would win this. No matter what he tried, it would end in failure.

This proved to be prophetic, however... as in Ryu's case, Failure most certainly IS an option. Which is why the sorceress was surprised to see a tiny green whelp facing off against her, rather than the return of the shining Kaiser, after the second blast of darkness cleared from Ryu. And when the glowing woman cleft the little wyrm in twain with a single strike of her sword, returning the man to his human form, and a third enveloped him immediately thereafter, she paled as he transformed into it again. At a single AP per transformation, with the same cost to maintain, he could keep transforming indefinately... or, at least, longer than she could maintain her own transformation. Eventually, her aura of power would fade, and when it did, the next time she killed the beast, her foe would flare with golden light, and she would be helpless before him. It was only a matter of time.

Match to Ryu by forfeit.

Ryu: 42
Terra Branford: 40

Terra is a spellcaster, usually spellcasters have large offensive capabilities, but low defensive strength and endurance.

Ryu can transform into the king of all dragons. I'd wager that Ryu could take more Ultimas than Terra could take Bonebreaks/Kaiser Breaths

Let's think this through using the logic of an afternoon cartoon.
(Warning: No logic will present in the following commentary. Parents with small children may want to leave the room.)
Between them, Ryu and Terra have the following traits; dragons, mecha, magic-girl transformations, the term 'Morph', insane clown-like villains, giant monsters, and probably a robot somewhere.
You know, if you tossed a giant head into that, you'd have Power Rangers!
Thus, drawn by the cosmic sense that he was needed, the floating disembodied head of Colonel Sanders appeared before the DL arena. A hush fell over the crowd as he started yelling. "Everything you know is wrong! Black is white, up is down, and short is long!"
He went on like this for a while. After a while, Ronald McDonald showed up and, following a brief rant about finally having Sanders where he wanted him, proceeded to destroy random buttons and dials until Sanders faded away.
Enraged, Terra and Ryu proceeded to smite the other insane evil clown, striking a powerful blow in the name of good taste and unclogged arteries everywhere.
Oh, the match? Well, after all that, the pair went out for some KFC. The duel was ultimately settled in the lobby, a chicken-eating contest the likes of which has seldom been seen before or since. Many hours and hundreds of buckets of crispy and original recipy came and went. In the end, though, the mighty dragon fell, and Terra reigned supreme.
Apparently she's been seeing a lot of Cecilia in the off-season.

Terra Fanboy
The first thing Terra does is assume her morphed form. Her naked morphed form.

Wait a second. What happened the last time Ryu saw a naked chick? He turned beet red and looked to the side.

Turning to the side out of embaressment here gets him charred to a crisp by Ultima. The moral of the story?

Naked chicks beat shy guys. Always have. Always will.