Season 32, Week 3
(Wild ARMs 4)
Last week, the demonic spaceshaper known as Belial showed a mere mortal the folly of playing as a god in the face of true power, as she cast Kefka down from his mighty pedestal near the top of the RPGDL rankings. This week, she faces another ordinary man whose power has gone to his head. However, this case is even worse - his power trip is the result of the control he has over a bunch of video game characters. Pitiful. Belial will show the programmer just how outmatched he is this week, as nothing he has with the possible exception of Insanity Prelude can break past her dreaded barrier of distorted space. And with Insanity Prelude unavailable until he is on the brink of death, and his own nerd-like inability to take extended punishment (such as that a tank to the noggin can provide), that little asterisk on this fight will not even be relevant. Luther may have defeated a bird, but he is still human, and this match shall highlight how powerless he is in the face of a true manipulator of dimensions.



No data can stand against Luther Lansfeld, the Great Deleter! Even mighty Godbirds fall before the clickety-clack of Luther's fingers! Now, armed with the knowledge of millenia of computer gaming and his hacked uber-character, it's time to crush the foolish woman who dares challenge Luther's might! In all of Godlike, Luther is quite possibly the only one who can overcome Belial's great agility, giving him a significant advantage in the upcoming battle. While Belial's Distortion Shield may be a great detriment to most Godlike combatants, Luther does not fear it: his maddening Insanity Prelude easily breaks past Belial's shield, ripping her already fragile mind apart (not to mention her fragile body as well). Even without Insanity Prelude, Luther's Perfect Symmetry is capable of breaking both Belial and her shield apart into little bitty pieces with little trouble. There's not much that can be done to stop the onslaught of the greatest nerd that's ever lived! The quest for deletion shall continue!

Two people.

One with the ability to create a universe.

Another with the ability to create a universe.

But the former can recreate the universe.

But the latter can continue modifying it.

Both are only at their strongest when they are in their own universe, though...

But Belial could simply gate him out of his own universe, couldn't she?

Then again, Luther can....wait, he can't do any of that without a keyboard, can he...?


"So. Let me see if I understand this. You talked with him just long enough to make him hideously neurotic about getting ripped out of the world he has control in, then you walked out and let him have the match?" Scythe said dubiously.

"I missed you." Belial said, hugging Scythe closely.

"...I really should have waited a while to tell you I was here..." Scythe sighed.


"Firewalls. More firewalls. And anti-dimensional-virus scanners, and trans-reality anti-spyware programs! I'll beat her yet! She'll never remove me from here unless I want to leave! And I'll never want to leave! Aaaahahahahah!" Luther said, as he frantically punched the keys that would lock him into his pocket universe, safe and sound.

Belial: 33
Luther Lansfeld: 35

Belial is capable of controlling time, space and dimensions. Luther created his own dimension.

Belial requires using her own energy to create new dimensions. Luther clicks a few buttons on his keyboard to create new dimensions.

Belial also only needs to wave her hand to activate her power. I'll wager that's faster than Luther punching in codes on his computer.