Season 41, Week 5
(Final Fantasy X)
The summoner from Spira has, once more, proved the might of her ritual powers, and now yet another match awaits, yet again with a Godlike championship on the line. And, as is par for the course for Lady Yuna, her final opponent this season is quite a monster - a transgendered monster, to be more exact. The demonic Jenna Angel will rely on her man-eating powers and incredible Bhairava attack to dispose of the strong-willed summoner, but are they capable of felling every single Aeon under Yuna's command before they land the winning blow for their liege? Odds are against the demon in this case: Anima alone will prove quite a most difficult foe, and all of Yuna's other Aeons can chip in. The fact that Yuna is faster than Jenna simply clinches it: with the advantage in the quickdraw, Yuna will conquer yet another Godlike pretender as swiftly as always. The savior of Spira is about to prove her raw superiority once again.



It's time to prove that the power of Hari-Hara, the fusion of Shiva and Vishnu, is up to the highest division's highest challenge. Champion Summoner Yuna, the bane of Godlike's greatest and brightest, faces Jenna Angel in battle in this, the final round of the season. How could a mortal possibly be so foolish as to challenge the full force of two gods at once? Yuna's Aeons, dragons, elemental beasts and assorted other dreams of the Fayth all pale before the form-shifting might of Jenna Angel and Hari-Hara. Even the mightiest of Aeons will fall before Bhairava, and when Debilitate enters the mix, even the great dragon Bahamut will find itself weakened before the wrath of the gods. And even if she should fall, the god shall rise again. And the greatest power of Hari-Hara, her defenses against nearly all attributes, will be the bane of Yuna's soon to be futile existence. Victory shall be within Jenna's grasp soon.

Yuna and Jenna. Both had been on the warpath in Godlike this season, wiping out competition left and right. Would this clash of Godlike's strongest humanoid females end in a bloody battle, with Yuna's Aeons desperately trying to outlast the killing power of Hari-Hara?

"...A ninja abusing contest? The idea sounds WONDERFUL!" The refs were most supportive of Jenna's suggestion for the way to peacefully resolve the question of who was strongest. Yuna, a peaceful soul, cheerfully went along in an attempt to avoid needless bloodshed.

The refs were so overjoyed by the suggestion that they all agreed to go fetch a Ninja for the event themselves. Between Ghaleon, Piastol, Orlandu and Zeromus, there was enough firepower to drag down even the mightest of ninjas. It was not going to be a good day for Edge.


Edge was in a good mood. He had finally gotten out of the hospital after the most brutal beating he got for starting the riot right after Jenna's win over. Cecil and Kain were guarding him on his way out, and Yuri had promised to escort him back safely to his rooms could he could finish healing without a good dozen or so of his enemies coming after him. Even better, the Godslayer had promised Edge a cold beer or three for his efforts... huh? Edge heard the sounds of combat near the hospital exit. Wasting no time, he drew a single Katana and jogged towards the sounds of combat with Kain and Cecil at his back. At the entrance to the hospital stood Yuri Hyuga, in the full glory of his Seraphic Radiance form. He was struggling against what looked like a cage of fire, futiley trying to escape the fiery prison he was stuck in. Wait. Fiery prison??!

Xenobia and Royce were standing in what looked like a slaughterhouse. Edge gulped. He could see Cid and Lexis on the ground, out cold from what looked like sword wounds. The Timelord was pinned neatly against the wall by Excalibur. He was still up though- and his eyes widened in terror -and then glazed over as Orlandu finished off the Mystic with a single punch. Yuri was definitely of no aid here. The sound of armor hitting the floor made Edge spin around on his heels.

Ghaleon walked over Kain and Cecil's bodies without so much as a second look. Fate Storm left the Baronites looking peaceful, though it was the peace of death. An extremely strong hand clamped down on Edge's mouth, preventing him from preparing a quick exit with Smoke. Piastol knocked Edge out with a single punch. Lifting Edge over her shoulder was as easy could be- the battered prince didn't have any armor weighed less than her scythe.

The rules were simple. Each side got one attack to inflict as much damage as possible on Edge. The Ninja was fetched, healed, and tied down. Jenna had the champion's right to go first, which she did. Her method of abuse was the Almighty aligned Bhavaria spell. One shot of it blasted Edge with enough force to kill him twice over. Only a small army of white mages hired just for this fight kept Edge alive and aware of his surroundings. Indeed, Jenna's single blast had been mighty. Edge was obviously in tremendous pain from the attack and even with the extensive healing spells piled upon him, in no shape to do much of anything for the near future. But the attack had elicted nothing from Edge gut a macho glare and an under the breath muttering about revenge.

Yuna wasn't much impressed. She laid a gentle hand on Edge's shoulder and healed the worst of his wounds that the white mages could barely touch with their low level spells. Edge's defiant glare got nothing but a smile from the summoner of Spira, who long ago learned that fighting wasn't the solution to everything.

Yuna simply summoned a small woodland creature and had her guardians escort a single woman into the arena. The small woodland creature introduced herself as Fairie.



Who said that the weapons of a summoner were just her pets? "So Shion, Fairie. Who's cooler: Duran or Kevin Winnicot?"

To the dismay of the judges, the screaming started less than a minute into the argument. Jenna said not a word when Yuna was awarded the Godlike championship.


Yuri groaned and rubbed his shoulder. That was -not- how he wanted to spend the championship week, but them's the breaks. Speaking of breaks.. poor Edge. Who knew that you could break every bone in your body and live?

A gentle tapping on the table broke Yuri's musings. Edge was awake! Lexis stood next to Edge's table, nodding along to the tapping. Ignoring the bandage over his head, he walked over to Yuri. "He's tapping in morse. Something about revenge and beating Kevin Winnicot within an inch of his life."

"Sounds good. Let's go do that."

Yuna: 28
Jenna Angel: 22