Season 45, Week 2
(Grandia 2)
The path of devastation that the Horn of Valmar's laid down speaks for itself. Just like the Godlike championship, wrought from sheer will and power. Melfice has laid out some of the best Godlike has had to offer time and again, and, while he's tempted to look ahead to a probable week three showdown with fellow Grandia terror Xorn, Melfice knows that he can't overlook any foe. But Songi? Is about as good as his reputation indicates. The renegade Biron monk may possess otherworldly physical strength, but that does him no good against Melfice's near perfect evasion. All that Songi is left with is his less impressive magical damage, all while being brutally outsped and being cut to pieces by Wailing Soul Slash.



Many might feel fear facing a two-time champ, but the perennially underrated Songi knows that it’s his time to show the DL what he’s made of. He has durability and damage in spades, and can hit both magical and physical defenses. Chaos Flare is going to be his money against Melfice, and Songi’s physical isn’t so shoddy either. Of course, Melfice himself has some decent damage and speed, but Songi more than outmatches him on durability. The backflipping menace can soak up many of Melfice’s hits while the Horn of Valmar shatters so very easily that this may well not be a match. It's time for the renegade Biron monk to exact respect with his fists, and Melfice should make a very good specimen for his collection of trophies.

I really REALLY wanted to bet Songi... hell I could make a compelling Argument to vote Songi but lets fact the facts. Their is no way Songi can win any argument I make in Songi's favor is just stretching the truth to the point of breaking. So Melfice wins booo

Melfice: 27
Songi: 16