Season 51, Week 1
(Breath of Fire Series)
Once again Myria rules on high at the towering peaks of Godlike, another Championship tucked away. As so often happens, her goal now is not to garner a second title, but instead to ensure that uppity newcomers properly respect and fear her prowess. Marino's first appearance in the Godlike arena will end the same way as so many others' have: with the reploid thief brutally smashed against the arena wall. Marino's nigh-infinite speed in Quicksilver will be worth squat before Myria's immense durability and impregnable defenses, allowing the Goddess to dispatch her powerless foe at her leisure. Not terribly exciting, but for Myria matches rarely are.



Goddess, schmodess! Nothing low-tech can hold up to a Reploid's power, and expert thief Marino is about to show why! The goddess Myria may have scared denizens of the DL for ages, but she'll have none of that - after all, have they tried to get past her with the right tricks? So she's fast and hits like a truck. Well, Marino can activate her Quicksilver and that'll make Myria look like a crippled slug. As soon as it starts, get her reels going for some Mirage Dive action and disappear as swiftly as she came once the dust settles. That should take care of the goddess. And if it doesn't, you can't catch what you can't see. With Marino here, the fun is just starting!

"...okay, so how much did you bribe TimeLord to get the ability to freeze time?" Magus commented drolly as Marino, freed of the time stop, exploded into a bunch of glowing orbs pulsating outward. Myria shrugged.

"Hey. She's a Quick Man clone. I played enough Mega Man 2 to figure that out."

" play video games..." Magus shakes his head.

"Hey, you'd know that if you were my -friiiiiiiiiiend-!" Myria whined as Magus beat a hasty retreat.

Myria: 32
Marino: 7