Season 55, Week 1
(Breath of Fire III)
In the "the DLverse doesn't learn" department, we have Ryu the Third. Last of the Brood, master of the Kaiser dragon, one of the strongest fighters in the universe. He tears aparts Gods with his bare hands once he gets going. What does he get then? A worthy opponent to test his skills? If only! He gets a vampire with a thing for younger men, and who relies on Deadly Fingertips to win the day. ID does nothing to Ryu at all, and the vampiric charms of Sierra do nothing to perk his interest - mostly because Ryu prefers younger women. Time to shrug off her attempt kiling him quickly and turn her into paste with the self-explanatory might of Bonebreak!



So much effort to fight. Sierra'd much rather hang out with Myria, a refined lady of the proper age who has good taste in men, or that yummy Teepo lad. Ryu bores her with his constant silent treatment. Sierra like her men with personality and spirit! This lass can raise her hand and make the effort to dispatch him with her accursed Darkness Rune, if she finds the time, at least. She has far more important things than a battle with someone as uncouth as Ryu. She needs her hair done! There's also watching that scamp Edge and a REAL man like Debonair fight in Heavy. Sigh, so much to do, so little time to deal with her adoring fans and get proper male attention...

A dragon.
A vampire.
Two mythical beings of immense power.


"Give my boyfriend vampiric dragon powers and I'll set you up like a queen in the basement of the castle."
"... Hm, most tempting."
"You'll get a boy-harem."
"... deal."


Sure, he can't use them in a duel. But Vampire Kaiser? Be afraid, Godlike. Be very afraid.

Ryu: 38
Sierra Mikain: 8