Season 58, Week 1
Isolde Schelling
(Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis)
Ugh. It's bad enough that Isolde has to deal with so many wiseguys in her classes, now she has to put up with them in the arena as well? Unforgivable. What? It's Wise Man? Same thing. At least, Berle will be facing the same result as every other opponent and disrespectful student has faced against Isolde: Total annihilation. Isolde's damage reduction laughs at Berle's pitiful excuse for attacks, bolstering her natural durability to the point where Berle just has no hope of escaping destruction. It's been a rough Godlike for Berle, and it won't be getting easier anytime soon with opponents like Isolde.



Berle isn't the leader of God's Ten Wise Men, but now he seizes a pleasure his superior has never known. The pleasure of crushing a Godlike champion fresh off of her championship. Isolde is certainly a dangerous foe, but only after taking a certain amount of damage. By the time she starts cranking out her powerful attacks, she will be facing down an impregnable wall. Berle's invulnerability allows him to put out more than enough damage to kill Isolde while laughing off anything she could even try. Today Berle makes his mark in a way that Indalecio and Cyril never could, and it will be sweet indeed.

Due to the Results staff feeling overworked, Results comments are now optional.

I plan on getting back to doing a bunch a week eventually, but for right now I'm horribly burnt out-about five years of doing results comments every week with almost no break burnt out anything original, and many of the other Results writers were just as tired.

If this page looks empty, sad and lonely, send in more comments, DL fans! >_>

Isolde Schelling: 21
Berle: 12