Season 61, Week 5
(Final Fantasy X)
Oh look! An emo villain with bad hair who wants the innocent girl. *Yawn, ANIMA to the face*. Yuna is no stranger to kind this of creep, and knows just how to handle Emo. Anima you say? That will certainly beat the fail out of him. If Alfina's pathetic excuse for a sibling survives that, Spira's final summoner has plenty more weapons at her disposal. Of course, the odds of Emelious cutting through her entire army of Aeons is as laughable as his plot motivation and attempts to be threatening to anyone- not that Yuna is likely to respond to anything this chump says with anything but mockery!



Yuna. The champion of an adoring world. A hero who persevered through her challenges with the help of an exceptionally supportive group of friends. Emelious is chomping at the bit to take out his frustration and kill someone like this. All that rage over his lot in life in his own world, all that shame of being called an angsty wanker in the DL world, all of it will manifest in one brutal, gory Spirit Wail which will splatter Yuna all over the arena before she can buff, summon, or do anything else to win. Maybe this will be the first step towards Emelious proving to everyone that he deserves real respect.

Yuna: 7
Emelious de Pamela: 17