Season 8, Week 2
Terra Branford
(Final Fantasy VI)
Terra finds herself in a dilemma in this match. She drew a child, and she is now forced to fight him. Naturally, this is a hard thing to do as the proprietor of an orphanage. That said, this lad is nothing like the children she takes care of. Ultima may not be able to kill him in one shot, given his monstrous HP score. All is not lost for the half-Esper, though. Ness's high HP works against him in the face of Quatr, and Ness's lack of stone protection leaves him open to the effective petrifications of Break. To top it off, her high magic defense will ensure that PSI Hypnosis and PSI Flash will have one hell of a time affecting her. Terra will almost certainly be helping the little guy put on a band-aid or two after this fight.



Quite possibly the youngest fighter to ever attain the rank of Godlike, Ness will prove to be quite the nightmare to the child care provider Terra Branford. It's not because of his tendency to play ball in the house, though. Ness is one of the few non-bosses who can live through Ultima, through his heavy HP pool and incredible Guts. Add to that the power of PSI Rockin' and his home run swing, and he could knock the half-Esper out in one shot. If he's feeling unsure about his chances in a slugfest, he could also PSI Flash Terra, inflicting some debilitating status effects on her. Either way, this battle isn't lasting long.

Terra knew she couldn't hurt Ness. No, not in that Ness was stronger than she, she just literally didn't have the guts to go against everything she believed in and hurt a child. So she decided to confront her friends, and ask for a strategy that would insure victory, but at the same time, insure Ness would still be ok.

When the match appeared, Ness walked into the Arena first, and awaited Terra's arrival, Legendary Bat in hand and all. Terra, however, came in holding a Big Black Mallet, which was, well, out of character, but that's not what Ness was afraid of. Seeing that Mallet reminded him of his days in Super Smash Brothers, and reminded him what such things could do, and thus, he forfeited upon sight of the object.

Even though Terra succeeded in winning and not harming Ness in anyway, she still felt very wrong using an empty threat.

Terra Branford: 27
Ness: 13

Sir Donald 3.1
Jeff and Paula wondered why Ness was bringing a Trick Yo-yo rather than his Legendary Bat. The Trick Yo-yo was a worse weapon by half than the Legendary Bat, and has thrice the error ratio.

They, and the arena, soon found out.

Ness won the quick-draw between the Uber PCs and cast PSI Hypnosis. But at the same time, he began to flick his Trick Yo-yo so that it was moving like a pendulum.

As expected, Terra began to nod off. But, not as expected, Terra's eyes didn't close fully. Some expected Terra to be faking, and thus readying a counterattack... but it didn't come.

Ness smiled. His plan was working perfectly. At this point, Ness threw in a PSI Flash, just for good measure. It didn't kill her, but that was okay, it was better this way. Time to give the Arena a show.

For Terra's part, all she could think about was how sleepy she was. And after the Flash, any attempt she had at trying to rouse herself from the psychic induced drowsiness was scattered like so much dust. The only thing she could focus on was the swinging yo-yo. And Ness' voice as he began to speak.

"You are very tired," Ness said in a slow tone, and as low a tone as his early-pubescent chords could manage.

"I am very tired", she said in a voice almost as monotone as when she was wearing Kefka's slave crown.

"You are tired of fighitng," Ness continued.

"I am tired of fighting." How right the voice was... she didn't want to fight unless it was against some diabolical tyrant or destroyer.

"Very tired."

"very tired." She would much rather be in Mobliz, taking care of the still orphaned children. And napping alongside them.

"When I say 'Fly', you will go straight to your room, where you will sleep until tommorow morning."

"sleep until tommorow morning."

"Of this battle, you will only remember being put to sleep."

"only remember being put to sleep."

"Okay..." Ness was ready, but he suddenly had a thought. Many thougths indeed...

"act like a chocobo for five minutes when I hear the word 'chicken'."

"scream 'Treasure Hunter!' when someone yells 'Thief!'"

"morph and hit Edgar over the head with a sledgehammer when I see him flirting with more than one girl in a week."

"only until next season. Except the sledgehammer."

Satisfied, and a little cheeky, Ness then said, "Okay, then, Fly!"

With that, Terra morphed and then flew into her dorm, crashing through her window, demorphed, and settled on her bed to sleep.

As for Ness' companions, Jeff was amazed, Poo gave a "was that really necessary?" look, and Paula... well, if Ness didn't know better, he would've sworn he saw a "playful" look amid her scowl.