Season 9, Week 1
Ash Lambert
(Vandal Hearts)
Ash versus Galcian: this promises to be an epic battle of good against evil. Of course, the good (being the defending Godlike champion) is the favorite this time around, making it quite different from most cliched stories. However, Ash will have immense difficulty with the status-mongering Galcian, his one true weakness being his lack of immunity to such attacks. Ash must hope that his sheer physical power and amazing durability to overwhelm the evil admiral - as it did to four hapless opponents last season.



By succeeding where his weaker teammates failed, Admiral Galcian seeks to prove that he is truly the greatest of the Skies of Arcadia warriors. Unlike Ramirez, Vigoro, and Piastol, this seasoned fighter has an easy opponent in Ash. Simply put, status attacks are the fearsome Vandalier's one weakness. Galcian's Eternum spell won't miss if the target isn't immune, and Ash, for all of his power, has no protection against Instant Death. Even if worst comes to worst, Galcian can take a shot of whatever Ash dishes up, then finish the Godlike Champion off with a taste of his fearsome Silver Magic.

Legendary Hero.
Reigning Godlike Champion.
Eternum Bait.

Ash Lambert: 8
Galcian: 13