Season 10, Week 4
(Lunar Series)
Magic Emperor Ghaleon is once again razing a path toward a championship, and not even his opponent - a very respectable newcomer to the League - will get in his way. Armed with his trademark Chaos Shield and powerful arsenal of deadly spells, Ghaleon is ready to take down the Evolutionary Master Necrosaro in what will be a fierce and bloody fight. Double-casts of Hell Wave should easily break down even Saro's defenses, and Ghaleon's own armor will keep him perfectly safe from Saro's double-casting abilities. Having yet another title within his grasp, the first ever double-Godlike champion is ready to settle the Creationist dispute here and now by proving that Darwin was indeed wrong all along.



Angels and Devils have both failed to stop the Ruler of Evil in reaching his title, this season - but Ghaleon doesn't fall in either group. What he is is a double champion, and one that makes even Necrosaro wary. Reputation notwithstanding, though, Saro is ready to fight. His Freezing Rays will dispel Ghaleon's Chaos Shield, and Bounce will neutralize the Emperor's magic. Necrosaro's double attacks means that not only will he be able to destroy the sorcerous shield whenever it appears, but put a physical hurting on Ghaleon. Couple that with his much greater speed and durability that's on par with the Magic Emperor's own, Necrosaro has what's needed to strike down Ghaleon, and go on to the RPGDL Godlike finals.

The master of evolution versus the Magic Emperor. So who wins?

Ghaleon, of course. Not even Saro can beat that old time rock'n'roll.

Ghaleon: 19
Necrosaro: 15

[insert reference to Darwin]

...and *that* is why Necrosaro wins.