Season 16, Week 1
(Lunar Series)
Ghaleon, the highest ranked fighter and two time godlike champion, is the master of all that he surveys in the DL. His task in his return is a simple one: crush another heavy champion who seeks to do battle in godlike with a wave of his hand and the magic of Fate Storm. Ryu may be able to cause the Magic Emperor a little more pain than most who stand in his way, but all who face him end up as charred scraps of flesh, who regret, with their dying breath, ever agreeing to face Ghaleon in a duel.



The half-dragon is making his second appearance in the ranks of godlike, and he has plans to do better than he did in his first attempt. While the Magic Emperor Ghaleon may be a threat to most with Chaos Shield in addition to his high defense, Ryu is hardly fazed. Great Dragon will come into play far sooner than Chaos shield, tearing through Ghaleon's defense and into his opponent's average HP. Even in godlike, surviving an attack of such magnitude is nigh impossible, and Ghaleon is no exception.

Sage Acrin
Ryu the Second stood calmly upon the field of battle, as Ghaleon, smirking, sauntered onto the arena grounds.

"Hmph, dragon boy. You know that one trick of yours isn't enough to stop the Magic Emperor, don't you?" Ghaleon said with a smirk.

"..." Ryu replied.

"Oh, right. You....people... don't talk. Except that odd one of your little tribe, the fifth Ryu. Oh, well. Let's get on with it."

Ryu calmly gathered his strength, transformed into his Great Dragon form, and smashed Ghaleon with a massive wave of energy, slamming him across the arena and partially through the wall.

For a moment, the match seemed over. But, slowly, Ghaleon pulled himself to his feet. "Ah....hah. That's.....quite impressive. But not enough! Prepare to meet your doom, dragon boy!"

*Two hours earlier.*

"He's up against Ghaleon!? He'll never survive!" A startled, black-winged Nina yelled. "You know he can't deal enough to stop Ghaleon in one hit...and that's what he needs!"

"Oh, shhh. You're assuming I'd have him play fairly." Deis said. "He does have a way he can at least try to win. Granted, it'll probably get the match thrown out, but at least he won't be dead...."

*Two hours later.*

"Fate Storm!"

Ryu was caught in a blast of energy.....then a field of stars surrounded him. The crowd, amazed, watched as the energy from the attack into nothingness....

"....what? What...A.....Agni? He used AGNI?" Ghaleon yelled, stunned. "But....but it...he...what? He can't do that!? It can't do that!"

"Yes, actually, he can." A voice was heard to ring out from the judge's box. "And it can." Ghaleon glanced wildly at the box....and stopped, stunned.

The entire box was filled with paralyzed and muted judges. Rather angry looking ones. And a widely grinning Deis.

"It's not like they can make a call against it if they can't speak, is it? Now get on with your fight."

"....urgh....GAH. You....I can fight you forever! Fate Storm!"

*Three hours later.*

"This is....taking forever....we've already missed Shizel's fight." A half asleep Reid mumbled. "Damn those stupid rules about not letting spectators out until the match is finished, because they might distract the duellers."

"....Fate.... Storm!" Ghaleon yelled, amazingly still standing after both the brutal beating and the expendature of magical energy for three hours. The match had clearly taken it's toll on him, but he was still fighting, hoping for some way to not lose in this embarrassing manner.

And again, as it had many times before, the power of Agni simply sucked down the energy.

"Shizel came by seats a few minutes ago, Reid. You were asleep." Meredy said. "She said that it made her mad that no one from Eternia was there to cheer her on. So she was going to make Ryu pay!"

"....What?....I think I pity Ryu right now." Reid said, watching the match closely.

"Fa....te....St..." Ghaleon, exhausted, slumped to the ground. Ryu, grinning, lunged forward to strike....

"Darkness comes from the Outer Limits!" A distinguished voice was heard yelling from across the arena. Shizel calmly walked out onto the arena.

"What? That's...that's against the....rules....that...the judges can't make a call on because I've got them bound and gagged magically. Well, it was worth a try." Deis said, defeatedly.

"Finality Deadend!" Ryu, caught blindsided, was blasted by a massive wave of the Dark Aurora. Slowly, he crumpled to the ground.

"Hmmph. That's what you get." Shizel said, glancing at Deis. "If I can't use my plot power to win matches, I'll be damned if anyone else can."

*Three days later.*

"....Sigh. They would make me do this, of all things." Deis said.

"Tutoring. Teaching magic to anyone that wants it. Anyone. With no right to turn anyone away. And, sure enough, 90% of the people I've gotten are perverts who have less magical aptitude than Mogu."

"Hey, sweety, come over here, I need some help with this spell..." Vigoro yelled from across the room.

"Well, I can at least comfort myself with the fact that I only have to do this a month."

"And it's not as if anyone can stop me from blasting these perverts into a crater after that." Deis whispered to herself, with a smile playing on her lips.

Ghaleon: 53
Ryu: 8

After the illustrious runs of his descendants, this incarnation of Ryu can expect nothing less of his own foray into the Duelling League. And it would certainly be undignified, after all that buildup, for his opponent to simply cut him down in the first moments of the season with unavoidable instant death.
But hey, shit happens.

First Rolf, then Celes, then Chaz..... now the second Ryu. Ghaleon sure likes picking on Heavy champs, doesn't he? Well, at least this one can hurt Ghaleon rather badly before getting exploded by Fate Storm.......

Okay Ryu, let's play a game called 'Ghaleon Says'

Ghaleon says "It's time to die"

*Ryu drops dead*

Good Ryu! Now, Ghaleon says...

Oh wait, we probably shouldn't have begun with that.<<

Why oh why did Ryu draw GHALEON first round...? Le sigh. Ryu gets one good hit in, then gets torn to pieces...