Season 17, Week 4
Dark Force
(Phantasy Star Series)
Ah, Piastol, Piastol, how far she has come... and how mightily she will fall by the hand of Dark Force. What can a mere Harbinger of Death do against the incarnation of destruction itself? Dark Force is anxious to chew through Piastol's flesh with its gnawing teeth, to see her writhe in pain against the corrosive powers of Darkness. Piastol may have had a good run, defeating even the dreaded Magic Emperor, but Dark Force is no one-trick fighter, to be defeated by mere balance - it is strong, fast and resilient, capable of withstanding her assault and coutnering with a better one. Nothing can save Piastol from being absorbed by the force behind the agony of Algol.



Another day, another being of unspeakable evil and hate dead at her blade. Even for someone known as the Angel of Death, Piastol has done more than her fair share of slaughtering the wicked this season, and Dark Force is not going to end the slaughter. Relying mostly upon magical damage and defenses, the creature hewn from raw evil matches up poorly to Piastol's fast, physical offense. With her outstanding magical defense to reduce even the fearsome Shadowbreath into a mere fraction of it's usual power, this surprising Godlike Champion is coming ever closer to a rare feat - winning back to back Championships in the DL's highest division.

"Ahahahaha, I am evil incarnate!" Dark Force laughed into the arena, as Piastol entered.

"Yes. I know. How could you not know, with a name like Dark Force..." Piastol said, shruging. "Now let's get on with it."

"But I'm not done with my evil speech yet." Dark Force said.

"...okay. Get on with it."

"I will cleanse the earth of life, and set upon a new, pure existance, one of darkness! I will drench the lives of all you love in blood! I crush all those who mock me, and teach them true respect! The smoke rising from your homes will be sweet incense to me! The souls of you pathetic humans, sweet nectar! The sounds of your death cries, beautiful music!"...

*45 minutes later.*

"...I kick kittens! And puppies! And hummingbirds! I litter! I use public bathrooms and don't flush or wash my hands! I don't shower! And I shake hands with everyone I meet! I force people to watch Hello Kitty!" Dark Force continued. "I steal people's keys and hide them! I hand out Gundam Wing doujins to people I just met!"

"..." Piastol simply stared at Dark Force. He had actually out-yelled the judges, who, in an attempt for some form of sanity, had tried to just call the match started. Repeatedly.

Amazingly, considering his surface appearence of absolutely no subtlety... Dark Force was trying to bore Piastol into a loss.

...Or was just doing what came naturally. It was hard to tell.

"...I go through people's silverware and bend their spoons! I chip cups! I stick magnets to people's TVs! I jam people's windows open in the middle of the winter! I give random people injections of drugs that commonly have allergic reactions! I eat dolphins! I buy recycled material just to throw it away! I burn camels! I freeze porcupines and sell them to small children! I make people think I'm treasure...but I'm not! I eat bab-" Dark Force was suddenly cut off by a massive meteor slamming into his chest.

"Interference!" Dark Force shrieked out.

"Huh? Oh, oh, the match is declared started." A half asleep judge called out from the box.

"What?" Dark Force yelled, incredulous. "But...that was...urk!"

"Good. Now you will finally shut up." Piastol said, finishing her Tempest Dance. "Now, to figure out how to get the judges to wake up and declare me the winner, without actually leaving the ring....hmmm..."

"Um, prince, I thought you really hated interfering." Etna said, from her ring-side seat.

"Eh. He was making evil look bad. Please, you show your evil through deeds, not words." Laharl said, grinning. "Though, I do like that magnet idea..."

Dark Force: 21
Piastol: 22

Piastol can't beat DarkForce.

Thats not to say she won't.

But she can't.

She probably will.

But she can't.

I am betting on Piastol to win.

But she can't.

Piastol will walk all over one of the few characters who actually deserves to be called Godlike.

But she can't.

Dark Force will lose to a mildly annoying optional boss.

But he can't.

I want to imagine a world where Piastol is left to die in the wake of Dark Force's unbelievable power.

But I can't.

Tylor H
Aika never thought that there would have been any problem. After all, she usually dragged as many Arcadians as she could out to cheer on their fellows at these matches. And Piastol, for all that they had had their problems in the past, was quite professional. So, she didn't think anything would go wrong when she dragged Vyse and Ramirez to watch the match.

And so it was that, after drawing out Piastol's hatred, Dark Force got an easy win as Piastol spotted the group responcible for her father's death in the stands and, forgetting her official match, leapt out of the ring to avenge a greater wrong.