Season 19, Week 2
(Phantasy Star 4)
The fiercest Numan on Algol has returned to the Duelling League! And if demons, Sinistrals, demon girls and fallen knights couldn't stop her, a dragon-blooded might as well not try. She's a formidable opponent even before augmentation, with powerful attacks and Skills, and powerful, cheap healing Techs. Once she casts Deban and Saner, Rika can outspeed and outlast the Endless called Ryu and whittle him down with her claws. Battles of attrition are the catgirl's specialty, and Ryu can't keep up the pressure for long (those dragon transformations are costly, you know). As long as Rika keeps up her spirit and her speed, she can overcome Ryu and prove her mettle as a Godlike.



Ryu is ready to claim the second title that eluded him in Season 14. His first opponent, the woefully naive Rika, will be the first to feel his fury. While Rika may have buffing spells, they don't rival the power of Ryu's transformations. With an extraordinary array of abilities, from Stardrop to drop Rika's stats so low that her techs simply can't compensate, incredible speed and the hard-hitting Shadowwalk in his Knight form, or simple downright brutality with Kaiser's overpowering Kaiser Breath, Ryu has far more versaitiliy than his opponent, and more than enough raw power to use those abilities as he sees fit. After all, an Endless like Ryu is to a mortal as a normal human is to an insect.

Poor Rika.

Her first reaction to hearing she was facing Ryu had been determination. This was a battle to prove she was, in fact, a good Godlike, capable of holding her own.

When Ryu transformed into a dragon form, it intimidated her a little, but not enough to hold back, and she already had cast Saner and Shift, boosting her high speed even more, and buffering her defenses so that even the mightiest of blows couldn't fell her. She was still confident.

...Then Ryu was caught in a massive runed circle. Stunned, Rika, who had never seen this particular Ryu fight before, watched as Ryu disappeared.

And an incredibly cute little grub-like lizard appeared in his place.

Rika reacted characteristically.

By walking up to, and petting, Ryu. Which wasn't really the best of moves, as she found out a moment later as she was caught in a point-blank Stardrop and blasted out of the arena.

Ah, well, there's worse ways to lose than loving cute things too much.

Rika: 28
Ryu: 31